Accessing elements

Each element in an array has a numbered position, known as its index. We can access individual items using their index, which is similar to referencing an item in a list based on the item’s position.

Arrays in JavaScript are zero-indexed, meaning that the positions start counting from 0, rather than 1. Therefore, the first item in an array will be at position 0. Let’s see how we could access an element in an array:

In the code snippet above:

  • cities is an array that has three elements.
  • We’re using bracket notation, [] with the index after the name of the array to access the element.
  • cities[0] will access the element at index 0 in the array cities. You can think of cities[0] as accessing the space in memory that holds the string 'New York'.

You can also access individual characters in a string using bracket notation and the index. For instance, you can write:

const hello = 'Hello World';
// Output: W

The console will display W since it is the character that is at index 6.